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InDesign: Get Started Course

Writer's picture: Alia Alia

During my diploma I had spent a short semester learning about InDesign specifically on how to create an interactive portfolio before we headed into our internship. Throughout that subject we focused more on the animation side and learnt how to create buttons, links, slideshows etc so going through the Adobe tutorials was quite a refresher and I even learnt some stuff I was not aware of/forgotten.

Understand frames in InDesign

Most of the time when I work on Indesign I tend to not uses boxes as I had no idea that there was an option to round corners. I would either just create small rectangles as an element (ex: sub heading) and if I wanted to round the corners I would simply add a circle on the edge which is very time consuming.

Left: Change font and font size Right: Save text formatting as a style

I think I learnt the most from the 'Format Text' tutorial. I never usually explore the tools on programs (not sure why) and look up tutorials when I want to know something specific. I never noticed the different options for text like the 'lower case' and 'upper case'. Also, after finding out that we can save text formats as a style will save me so much time in the future.

Wrap text around objects

I have never used the text wrap before as I find it quite difficult and confusing (as there are so many options) and end up just manually adjusting things with the space bar which time consuming. After watching this tutorial, I found it slightly easier that what I remember though I don't think I will use it that often.

Use a master page

Something that I had forgotten was the master page. For creating interactive documents this would be very helpful as we can add certain features (ex: navigation panel) that is needed to be added to every page just on one page. Though for creating books this wouldn't be very helpful. For example, if you we're to create page numbers you wouldn't be able to edit the numbers as you move along.


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